1. IE = Internet Explorer = OS Windows
2. MyIE = OS Windows
3. Opera = OS Windows / Linux
4. Firefox = OS Windows / Linux
5. Mozilla = OS Linux (GNOME)
6. Qonquerer = OS Linux (KDE)
7. Netscape Navigator
8. Links = OS Linux/BSD mode text
9. Lynk = OS Linux/BSD mode text
here we will try to make the web browser ..
We make it with the linux version with Gambas. and even then only limited to basic
from a web browser, there is still much to add.
And for that I hope can develop in order to inflate its right to
perfect as web browsing the web to 9 above. I also admit that makes the web such as
that in atasn not that easy to make color to grayscale conversion applications, unlike
make the steps to make thesis eh hehehe .. ya ga disconnected but that obviously did not
easy ways to make an application to upload images with squash too,,,
yes it has to make us willing to squash it in a new form ..
change the name to browse the web webtest
change the label name with lbllink
textbox replace the name with txtlink
replace the name with a quit button and the caption with the exit
set as shown above ..
and paste the following code:
' Gambas class file
' Gambas class file
PUBLIC SUB Form_Resize()
txtLink.Move(0, 0, ME.ClientW)
webTest.Move(0, txtLink.H, ME.ClientW, ME.ClientH - txtLink.H - lblLink.H)
lblLink.Move(0, webTest.Y + webTest.H, ME.CLientW)
PUBLIC SUB webTest_Change()
txtLink.Text = LAST.Path
'DEC Application.Busy
PUBLIC SUB webTest_Click()
txtLink.Text = " " & LAST.Link
'INC Application.Busy
PUBLIC SUB webTest_Link()
lblLink.Text = LAST.Link
PUBLIC SUB txtLink_Activate()
DIM sPath AS String
sPath = txtLink.Text
IF NOT (sPath LIKE "http://*") THEN sPath = "http://" & sPath
webTest.Path = Trim(sPath)
PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
txtLink.Text = "http://gambas.sourceforge.net"
PUBLIC SUB quit_Click()
so ..
good luck ...
You can certainly develop it ..
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